We're Not Drinking Tonight
We're Not Drinking Tonight
004 - Move over Six-Pack! The Ladies try Spritzers from Recess, Mad Tasty and Kin.
After a bit of a break, the Ladies are back with a multipack of reviews. We noticed there were tons non-alcoholic sodas nearby so we grabbed a few to see if they replace Shantel's favorite bubbly cocktail or Ciara's LaCroix.
I'm Sierra
Speaker 2:And I'm Chantel and we're, we're not drinking tonight.
Speaker 3:Welcome to we are not drinking tonight. The podcast that asks, what do you drink when you're not drinking? This podcast is an exploration of what it happens. When two friends and former party girls try to find alternatives to alcohol while staying social, we wanna make it clear. We're not alcohol free. We do drink. We love to kick back with a drink, a shot glass of wine, you name it, but sometimes life calls for you to sip socially with the spirits. And that's what we're here to talk about. Join us as we explore cannabis, low alcohol, no alcohol and functional beverages as alternatives. We're gonna get into the latest and we wanna take you along on the journey. Now let's start this show.
Speaker 2:It's funny. Like most of this, the episodes we've done so far are focused on like, almost like after dark social settings. So we talked a lot about like cocktails and mocks mock. Yeah. A lot of like alcohol alternatives specifically. Like how can I play, taste my wine, my gin and all those great things. But today I think we're take, we're taking a different spin on an alternative to drinking because we know that social gatherings happen all throughout the day. It's, you know, it could be a picnic. It could be, um, I don't know, coffee with coworkers midday. There's so many different drinking activities or drinking events that we got a little bit curious about what could be some of the other times throughout the day that we can replace and drinks, but maybe things that are a little bit more natural that still do some of the things that we like with the other beverages that we normally drink.
Speaker 1:Yeah. So we think that there, we found that there was a full category of functional beverages that use, they typically use hemp or C, B, D, and they aim to replace things like our daily coffee breaks, you know, just imagine going to a conference and instead, or in addition to caffeine, you know, to wire you up, you have seltzer with C, B, D that's supposed to help you focus. So we love functional beverages. I think we've talked about this quite a lot. So we definitely did not wanna leave out the, the seltzers and the spritzers. Yeah. So this episode is all about spritzers and seltzers,
Speaker 2:All the bubbly,
Speaker 1:All the bubbl. Exactly.
Speaker 2:I love the bubbly and I love bubbly. Like, I, we both said that we like, I'm a huge champagne drinker. I think champagne is adult, like adult soda. It's like soda for adults. I feel like you should be able to drink champagne whenever
Speaker 1:I love champagne. And, but here's the difference I love, I love like sparkling water
Speaker 2:Too. Yeah. I was just about to say, so like, if you can't have champagne, then it's sparkling water is like the next alternative to like, just having a drink throughout the day, which I think is good. I we'll put it like of the brands we're reviewing tonight. So we are actually, we're tasting three, like three, we're gonna take it somewhere. Um, yeah, but a lot of them actually, they recommend to mix them in like, as mocktails, like to mix them in to add a little bit of dimension to your cocktail. So if you're, if you're having a mocktail or a cocktail, a lot of these spritzers can actually be used
Speaker 1:As a
Speaker 2:Mixer as a mixer. Yeah. Yeah. So I think the cool thing again, like, you know, there's a lot of, uh, these drinks, they, they have all the same ingredients that we like in their cocktail versions or in their Elixer versions. And it mainly is like, neutropics adaptogens a lot of botanicals, heavy on the botanicals and natural ingredients, which I think is great because as you all know, Sierra and I are looking for alternatives functional, but also if, if at all possible Nat as natural as possible. Right? Yeah. So
Speaker 1:Yeah. For social experiences, we definitely, we think that that could be, you know, daytime, nighttime, whatever. So we're not, we're not focused on one particular time of day. We're really just interested in finding out what else is out there. So let's take it away.
Speaker 2:Well, we gotta start with my favorite. Okay. Oh my goodness. So I mean, and it, this is kind of T cheek. You all have probably seen this brand before and not even known like what it was or where, like, what is it its purpose? And it is recess. So recess is one of the first, um, spritzers that like spritzers or drink alternatives that I tried. And you, it is, it's quite, I have, I have a love, hate relationship is the only way I can describe this brand. So before I even talk about the taste, I think recess is literally everywhere. It is in grocery stores, it's in my local bodega. And I'm just like, you know, it goes back to the whole thing of like, people don't really know what's in this drink because they don't advertise it on the can. Right. It's not on it. Like, I know what it, I know what it is. Cause it's like, yeah. I was like, I know what it is. Cuz we're like looking for drink alternatives. And I'm like, oh crap recess is on a shelf. Yeah. Like, let me grab one. Yeah. And so you have to like go to, you have to seek out the information. So you have to go to their social media or go to their website. I to actually find out like, what is this calm that they keep posting or, or talking about? Cause they do talk about like a cool calm vibe. Like it's a very cool, calm and collected is on their can. Yeah. But it's not necessarily like spelled out exactly. What's giving you this cool, calm feeling. Something that I also like. So what I do think is pretty cool though, is that it is a, uh, it's a seltzer that's meant to be like a real true throughout the day drink replacement. So it's not gonna take you. It's not gonna have, you know, a heavy concentration of anything that's gonna like relax you too much giving you like that. Yeah. In interrupt day, like I'll give you like the stuck feeling, which I can appreciate because clearly if I am gonna drink it throughout the day, I would prefer not to be slurred or like not capable of finishing. No, it
Speaker 1:Was gonna like slur make you SL or make you too, too relaxed or you know, not able to focus or something.
Speaker 2:Oh, that's what kinda scared me cuz they were like, I heard it on a, I think it was a podcast and the creator, he was like, oh no, you can have like two or three recesses a day. Yeah. I was like, that feels aggressive. Like how, like you want me to drink all day long. But uh, yeah. So I mean a lot of curiosity around recess before even opening a can because like I said, it's everywhere and I'm like, what is this thing? Because yeah,
Speaker 1:But it came, it became everywhere out of nowhere, nowhere. Right. Like I never, I never saw it anywhere. And then suddenly it's, it's everywhere you go.
Speaker 2:Is it one of those things though? Like once you know it, then you start to see it. Maybe because like, I don't know. I really don't know when they got on my grocery store shelf, but I know that when I walked into my grocery store and I saw recess, I was like, wow. Wow. Well the factor is, but it was right beside, oh I think I told you it was right beside smoothies. It was like,
Speaker 1:Oh
Speaker 2:Yeah, like, Wow. It was like smoothies, recess, and then like coffee on the other side. That makes
Speaker 1:Sense.
Speaker 2:Yeah. It does make sense, but it was just like, I think that that should be like, I don't know, called out somewhere or I, I don't know. You know, I'm all about informing people and making sure people have like an informed choice and it's not that there's anything wrong with recess or any of the drinks that we're drinking. I just think that customers wanna know what,
Speaker 1:What the
Speaker 2:Function is. Yeah. What the fun, what is the function? Well, I don't
Speaker 1:Think that they actually can explain what I don't think they can go to deeply into the ingredient story. So I think it's very similar to what we've seen in the spirit replacement category, where they disclose in terms of ingredients. Because I think that the bottle does disclose that there's 10 eggs of, um, of C B D, but
Speaker 2:Uh, I, I say
Speaker 1:Hemp, oh, it says hemp. Excuse
Speaker 2:Me. So
Speaker 1:I think it does disclose that there's 10 megs of hemp extract in each can. And I think that was intentional, that, that the founder is, I think his goal is to have people to be able to drink this all day long. So it has to be in a low enough concentration that you could have one for breakfast, one in your after lunch run up one just before you go workout after work or what have you. And it won't hacked you. Um, and it's supposed to bind to the endo cannabinoid system. So the endo cannabinoid system is just a system that lives within our body human body that binds to cannabinoids, which are in cannabis derivatives. Like, so it's supposed to adapt to our system according to, you know, the science that he has released in terms of, I think you said that their, their, their studies are on their website.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah. So, and again, going back to just being an informed consumer, I really do like that they actually list like their test results of each individual flavor. Like how much hemp is in each like the most recent batch. I think that's really cool, but I think enough about like, sort of like the business tale. Right. Cause taste's important part. I like, like I said, I have this love, hate relationship. I wanted to start with the love first. And the love is that like, it was so easy to get a recess, like all of the other drinks. I mean, we almost had to do back flips and Cartwheel and all kinds of things to get the drinks to us, but legit like right, right outside, I could go get a recess, which was like very, which was awesome for me. And I really appreciate that now getting down to the nitty gritty. So I tried, I tried three different flavors and I am not a SELT drinker. I do not like flavored water in any capacity. So I have to start there. So it's gonna be really hard for me to say that one seltzer or Ritz tastes better than the other, because I'm not really going for a taste on any of these. They all are gonna taste like dirty water, except they're gonna be like, sorry, flavorless, sparkling annoyance, a whisper
Speaker 1:Of, of whisper of
Speaker 2:Flavor. It's like they wa flavor over the can and then expect me to be excited about tasting like LA Croy. But I like you are. So that's the thing it's like, you are, you're a LA or a drinker. I am a water or, or like water or cocktail, that's it. I don't really have any in between drinks. So I did, I tried three flavors. The one that I liked the most was the best of the worst was black cherry. I liked the black cherry and I think it, I mean, it's just, um, to me it had a heavier taste. It, I felt like I was drinking something like that. Wasn't water. It did taste a little bit better than some of the other flavors that they had. And peach, ginger tastes like water PO and granite have biscuits, also taste like water. But if you're like
Speaker 4:A vodka drinker, you might like
Speaker 2:The lighting. Yeah. I like vodka because vodka has a feeling. Yes, there is. Vodka has vodka in it. So like not to rag on them, it's not their fault. It's just my personal taste profile. I, I don't, I'm not a huge, like it's also drinker, but did what I, what I do like with recess though, is it does give a little bit. And I, and maybe this is, this could be like in my mind a little bit, but I did feel like a little bit more alert cuz the first time I drank it was midday. Yeah. I intentionally went for like the midday slump, Hey, I'm gonna open up this recess and see what happens. And I was actually playing rush cuz I had a meeting and I was like, if I drink this and I go down, like I'm not gonna be a happy camper. So I will give them kudos on that. The drink itself. It actually does what it says it's gonna do in the sense that like I did feel, uh, I felt like, you know, it was, it was a nice chilled midday drink and not, and, and by drink, I don't mean libation. I mean like a coffee replacement. Yeah. Something of that nature. Yeah. You can't and, and they actually don't put caffeine in it. That's the other part. That's cool. So they don't put caffeine. The energy is from ging, which again, natural. Dope. I like it overall. That was, I mean, so it's recess. It's everywhere. It's the most popular most I was joking earlier about like their social media matching their, their, their drink. And that's because like, you don't really know what recess is. It's kind weird. It's everywhere. But nowhere it's everything but nothing. And that's absolutely what their social media looks like. They have like recess, like a helicopter. It's a can it's waiting it's Aing on its vaccine, like recesses everywhere. So I think, I mean in I'm sure they're fine. The word fine is funny, but I feel like they're zing the like functional drink market because it, for those of you all who are out there and Zuck mark Zuckerberg, he, it really in joys like taking ideas from other companies and then folding them into Facebook and allowing like the Facebook kind of engine to take over. Yeah. And so I feel like recess because of how large it is already and how popular and how like it's already on shelves that any functional beverage or all of it's, you know, up and coming companies are gonna have some hurdles to jump over. So I respect them. I love a good business with moats around it. And I'm not really a fan of the, yeah. I'm not really a fan of the taste, but that's because I don't like seltzer, but I will have to give it a, a check. I'm not even gonna give it a rating. I'm gonna give it a check in the EF efficacy. It gets a check for efficacy. It gets a check for packaging. Cause I do. I like the pastel. Super cute. Yeah. I like the pastel color. Super cute. Very easy to identify once you know what you're talking about and I give it a big, hard X on taste. You
Speaker 1:And this matrix, Chantel does not wanna give a rating. I, I want the
Speaker 2:Rating. No. Okay. Okay. Okay. And if I had to rate recess, I would give recess. Uh, I'd probably give it like a four. No, let me be fair. I'd give it a 3.5 and the reason why that's
Speaker 1:High, that's higher than I thought.
Speaker 2:Yeah. And I, and I probably could go a little bit lower the only you, I mean, if you're listening to us, you know, that I'm big on like, what am I feeling? What, what does it taste like? I want a full experience. I'm not getting a really like knock my socks off experience, but it is meant to be consumed throughout the day, which is something that not a lot of other brands can boast right now. Yeah. So if I'm looking for a true alternative, this is something I could put in my fridge and sip on it throughout the day, offer to friends and not work, like not be worried about like the effects. So for that reason alone, being able to consume it throughout the day, truly as a like coffee, caffeine replacement. I, I gave it 3.5.
Speaker 1:Yeah. I mean, I totally agree with you. Recess was by far the most accessible beverage that we tried. I think it was the first and the easiest to order. And you know, we quickly understood that their goal was bigger than, you know, just getting some local distribution or what have you. Like, I think they're really aiming to be the Starbucks of the, uh, sparkling water world. I do have a little bit of a different take on because I, I do enjoy the sparkling water taste. So for me, I did try a sampler pack. You know, they have different size sampler packs. They have subscribe and save. They have a bunch of different ways for you to, uh, spend your money. You know, that's good. That's great. It really is everywhere. And you know, I tried, uh, through three different flavors, so I'm not, you know, I don't know if they have changed this if they still offer three packs or not. So yeah. You know, if you decide to order this, just understand, you could have to do a six pack, which is kind of cool, cuz they do have six SKUs and I think that's kind of cool cause they have a lot of variety.
Speaker 2:They definitely do. Yeah. And think that's nice too, because again, like having six different flavors is also unique. Like you're not accustomed to so much variety from a drink alternative brand. For
Speaker 1:Sure. So I mean, you know, I did my, I tried three peach, ginger, blood orange and POME, granite hibiscus, pomegranate had biscuits was my favorite peach. Ginger was pretty good too, but I am a LaCroix drinker. So
Speaker 2:I do much
Speaker 1:Spark water. So if it's just got a whisper of flavor in it, I don't know this, you know, that's that that's I do like that.
Speaker 2:That's okay. That's cool with me. That's okay for you.
Speaker 1:So yeah. I mean I, and, and they're moving quickly. So if it's not in your area, it will definitely soon
Speaker 2:Be there soon. Probably be
Speaker 1:There soon. Cause this is the same as the whole Seedlip thing where, you know, a few months ago, if you go and ask, do you have this? They're gonna look at you crazy. And then it'll probably be in there, time you go,
Speaker 2:It'll be in your neighborhood liquor store within a month. Don't you worry?
Speaker 1:As far as their social media presence, I think is like the most developed of anything. They have the strongest point of view.
Speaker 2:What is, is their point of view, recesses everywhere. It's weirdness. It's about weirdness and
Speaker 1:It's quirky. And you know, I definitely could see using it in a, you know, using it in a, in a drink that you mix yourself and it can be drunk throughout the day. I also tried it. I played brush and rele with mine as well. So, and it did not have a negative effect. It was pretty good. Yeah. You know, felt relaxed and, and they even say you, if you feel nothing, that's good because balance is the goal. So
Speaker 2:They really covering themselves. They cover all. No, no. If you don't feel anything, that's good. Then if you feel something even better, that's fine. Whatever you wanna do. Recess is literally everything. It's everything, everything at once, which is okay. So for me, you
Speaker 1:Know, I would say they're like a three. They're cool. It's not something I would
Speaker 2:Reach time. I'm surprised you didn't give them a okay. Cuz you felt like a 3.5 was higher though. I did. Okay. Not fair high. I mean, for me
Speaker 1:It's okay. It's cool. I probably wouldn't reach for it all the time, but you know, if it's around, I might pick it up.
Speaker 2:That's not a
Speaker 1:Bad thing. Yeah. So, so that is recess. Yes. Next we're gonna talk about mad tasting.
Speaker 2:Wanna yeah. Okay. So their name cracks me up because I feel like I'm stuck in like the late two, like two thousands. And when everyone was like mad, this and that and it just meant good. Right. And like mad tasty to me just feels like a throwback to like, well I feel like that's on purpose. Yeah.
Speaker 1:So mad. Tasty is, it is its founder is Ryan Teter. Who was the lead singer for one
Speaker 2:Republic. Well, yeah. So big,
Speaker 1:Like the big draw to this brand is gonna be people who follow Ryan header. It's definitely got music industry. Buy-in like, if you
Speaker 2:Go, it's got private equity money.
Speaker 1:Yep.
Speaker 2:You got private equity
Speaker 1:Money. They were able to capitalize on the identity of their founder to get private equity, cash infusion. So that's great. Good for them. They have buy-in from the music industry. If you check out their, uh, their socials, they've got, you know, little, no X, you know, just supporting this.
Speaker 2:So it's like randomly just hanging out here for tasty.
Speaker 1:And the goal for mad tasty is really just a replacement for water because Ryan Teter thinks water is boring and hard to drink. So he came up with this sparkling water alternative. It comes in three different flavors. I tried a sampler with unicorn tears,
Speaker 2:Which I love the name, which is the best name ever
Speaker 1:Grapefruit and watermelon Kiwi. Um, this, the taste kind of reminded me of like fruit Topia with all of the sugar strip from it. Like if that's a thing
Speaker 2:That's actually a, a pretty unique way to describe it. But I kinda, it makes more sense than what I would say. What
Speaker 1:Were you gonna
Speaker 2:Say? It's like someone to juice and like, like stripped everything out of it. And it still that's the same. They literally, it was just like, you know, it smells like it's gonna be juice, but it's be, but it's not, it's not, not juice. It's not juice.
Speaker 1:Yeah. As far as the packaging, I would say mad teas de came in the cheapest of the packaging.
Speaker 2:It's the. And it's like disappointing because
Speaker 1:It's so cute.
Speaker 2:The cans are super
Speaker 1:Cute. The cans are adorable.
Speaker 2:The, the cans are something that you want take to a picnic. Not, I keep referencing taking things to picnics, but I'm all about like what what's in your hand. No, what you it's. Yeah. And I would still take this out and people would, everyone would be asking like, what is that? Cuz the cans are adorable. Yeah.
Speaker 1:Everybody would definitely be asking what you have because they're white cans with black squiggles all over them. Right. Labels that explain what the flavors are. And so, you know, it definitely is very clear what's in it. It does say that that each can has 20 megs of hemp extract. Yeah. I found this to be higher efficacy than recess.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:And you know, the flavor wasn't my favorite. It was okay. It was cool, but the efficacy was stronger. So I did feel more relaxed. I found that, you know, I waited till towards the end of the day or after a workout to relax with this. So this was, you know, not an alcohol replacement, but uh, just something to enjoy. I felt like something to help wind down, but not, you know, if you don't wanna go so far as to have a cocktail or replacement a cocktail or a mock, this is a good replacement.
Speaker 2:So this was actually one of the higher ones that we've ever like sampled. And I only, I only drank one and I have a real sensitivity to like marijuana. I don't know what it is, but I drink it and then my eyes felt heavy.
Speaker 1:Oh.
Speaker 2:And that was what I was like.
Speaker 1:So it really made you
Speaker 2:Sleepy. Yeah, it did. And I like, and I drink it like around like seven And my eyes like literally felt heavy. And so that's why I didn't, I that's why I didn't move on to the second and the third one, the next cause I was just like, well I never wanna go to sleep. I, I, I'm always looking for something to like give me a boost and maybe it was just too much for me or maybe I was tired. I don't know. And so I'm going to, you know, give full, just closure here. But I, I drank the one I drank unicorn tears and my eyes felt heavy and I was like, what is happening here? It was kind of the opposite effect that I was going for. But it's, it's got a good balance of like the hemp abstract, but also like some of these same mood regulating immunity, boosting kind of ingredients, I think, think I would point to you and say, what, what do you think about Matt tasty if we're rating Matt tasty?
Speaker 1:Yeah. Um, I would, I would give like a 3.1. I mean, it's marginally better than recess and it has a social aspect, a social component. So they do donate a portion of their proceeds.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah. That's super cool. Yeah. Super, super cool.
Speaker 1:A drop, which is their, which is their social cause. And it's for water scarcity just to raise awareness and alleviate that problem. So kind of a global view. So that makes it a little bit interesting, but I do think they kind of have a ways to go in terms of developing a more taste. The reason I gave it, you know, the edge out over recess is that the efficacy is higher. So, you know, I, I liked that part of it and, and also the design is
Speaker 2:Super cute. Super cute.
Speaker 1:So
Speaker 2:I'm all about the packaging on that one. Well, packaging, let me be specific the can, right? The can because listen, Matt tasty, if
Speaker 1:You are listening, please do something with this box. This box is just, I mean, and, and
Speaker 2:I didn't get a booklet. Oh yeah. I didn't. And you didn't, you guys also have some packaging issues over there. Like someone needs to go down to the shop floor, figure out who is packing the boxes. Cuz someone had one too many and fell asleep. Um, so it was very disgruntled that she did not receive her card, her booklet with all of the cute cocktails in there. She didn't receive any of the cards. I did. You just really sad. I'm so sorry. So no, I think it's cool that you etched them out. Give'em, you know, a little bit more than recess. I'm actually putting them under recess significantly. Oh, significantly. But it's only, not only, I mean, not even say only one. I don't like Selzer so I don't even have to talk about the taste. No one cares my thoughts on the taste. I, again, water with the wafting of scent, that's like tricking my brain into thinking it's due and then I taste it and there's nothing except for bubbles. I don't like it. I don't like those things. But with regard to, I love the packaging. I'm a sucker for a market. I'm a marketer's dream. So I love the cans. I love their social media. I think it's super cute there. It's a really cute, cute brand. I think maybe for me, the 20 milligrams of C, B D he extract that they put in there. Maybe it was just it's too much for my body. And for that reason, I'm like a little bit cautious about consuming more of it. Right. So I would probably give them like a solid yeah. 2.8. Okay. Pushing up on the three. Cause I don't like, it's not, it's not their fault that my eyes got heavy when I it's not their fault. It's my fault. But it's, again, my ranking. Right. And so efficacy is huge for me, but efficacy in the sense that like, I still wanna be able to perform like right. I don't wanna like go to bed ever. That's never, if anyone hear like, no, if you are listening to this pod, you'll learn very quickly. I am not drinking things to go to sleep. I have no problem going to sleep. I never need help.
Speaker 1:Okay. So, so yeah, I guess were that's mad tasty for us, you know,
Speaker 2:It's so funny that their name's mad tasty and they're the furthest from tasty,
Speaker 1:Tasty, tasty.
Speaker 2:Oh, furthest from, I dunno, mad tasty thing makes me think of it makes
Speaker 1:Me think it's gonna be juicy. It makes
Speaker 2:Me think of KISE. My milkshake brings all the, like that whole visual experience. Oh my gosh. It's because of the can it's so
Speaker 1:It it's such a cute experience. I don't know. I just feel, I felt set up for something else, so
Speaker 2:That's fine. So we're gonna move they'll live. They've got friends, friends at high places. Very
Speaker 1:Much
Speaker 2:High places.
Speaker 1:They, they do
Speaker 2:Know that they care,
Speaker 1:But if they would like us to advise them meditate, be sponsor us to change our minds. Feel
Speaker 2:Free. I don't know if a sponsorship changes minds, but
Speaker 1:Oh yeah.
Speaker 2:You're right. Feel free.
Speaker 1:Well can sponsor us and reach a new part. New audience. There's plenty of space. No.
Speaker 2:Okay. All right. So
Speaker 1:Moving
Speaker 2:On the final one from one of our favorite brands, actually we both loved Ken's high road and that's like their traditional kind of like their spirit. Yeah. Their spirit replacement. We both scored them really high for I as a spirit replacement. Really good. Well, we were on the fence about whether the taste was good or not, but it was a taste. It was the efficacy. That was awesome. So can they, they do have a spritz that is meant to be consumed throughout the day. So high road, they, they don't really like give you, it's not super prescriptive. It's not like, oh, you drink spritz through the day. And then you do high road at night, or I, for sure you do dreams, the dream one for bedtime, for sure.
Speaker 1:Dream light has 500 MIGS of CBD
Speaker 2:That's night, night. So that's night night. Take
Speaker 1:That. How you will.
Speaker 2:So the, yeah, I mean, I guess you can interchange between the Elixer the, the actual spirit replacement and the spreads, the, the Selter spreads water, whichever you wanna call it. It's carbonated water. There you go.
Speaker 1:But this isn't water.
Speaker 2:No, I mean, I, I'm just trying to think of like, what do you call the things? Spritz.
Speaker 1:Spritz.
Speaker 2:Well, sprints not alcoholic bubbles.
Speaker 1:I think we can
Speaker 2:Go with
Speaker 1:Spritz for Kim since that's what they call it. Yeah. We don't have to define it. They,
Speaker 2:They defined it for us. Yeah. Yeah. So before we even jump into the taste of it, I think the first thing y'all know, I always read the back I'm I'm a big junkie about these supplemental facts. I don't think I've ever cared more than now about what the heck is in here. So reading and like, okay, whatever. Didn't like not paying much attention. I'm just kind. I like, I skimed it. I really did. I skimed it. I saw oh, proprietary blend and I was like, cool. When I turn the can back around and I enjoy it, I was pretty boosted. I was pretty alert. And I was like, why was that? Because the one thing I did not read on the back of the can was 50 milligrams of caffeine. Oh. So like, it was funny because I IME like, not immediately, but like I felt, I was like, man, I, yeah. I was like, I was right. I was working. So I was like, I feel good. Like, did I drink coffee? And I was like, trying to figure out, like, what did I do? And I like go back to the can and meat of all people, a whole meat, the person who reads the can had skipped over, whereas said 50 milligrams of caffeine in it. So it definitely that's a lot have a lot of caffeine. And, and so like I was thinking to myself, like if I naturally didn't believe that spritzer belonged in the daytime and then like the elixir belongs at night, had I drank that like at 9:00 PM? Oh yeah. I would've been a lot more wired than I ever wanna be that, that late at night. Cause I mean, for me, everybody else might be up to, I don't know what the standard cup of coffee is, but caffeine 50 milligrams. That's a lot.
Speaker 1:It could be though, like a red bull replacement.
Speaker 2:Yeah. It's
Speaker 1:Perfect for daytime. But it could also be like before you go out. Yeah. If there's no alcohol in it, but you're getting your buzz.
Speaker 2:That's a, it's like a, that's a fair point boost. Yeah. Like, you know, when you know it's gonna be a long night. Yeah. That actually, yeah. So, okay. Always here schooling me. That's I'm just, that's a really good point though. I, I, I enjoyed it midday. I did. I did like the, the alertness that I got from it, which was really cool cuz I didn't expect it. Cause I was just being silly and didn't read it all the way. Unlike the other brands, it did have a taste to me. Yeah. It had a taste. Well
Speaker 1:It's not
Speaker 2:Water it's yeah. Whatever it kin. Yeah. I was gonna say it always taste
Speaker 1:Like kin it doesn't taste like anything specific.
Speaker 2:Yes. And that is the thing about them that I will always appreciate now whether or not I can tell you what it tastes like. Probably never. I will tell you that it tastes like a bubbly, a bubbly, a bubbly, lighter version of the elixir too. Yeah. That's what it tastes like. Which
Speaker 1:Means nothing. If you haven't tried it. Yeah. That means nothing. If you haven't tried it. So, you know, it's just something you're gonna have to try. We're gonna keep saying this. We love in like
Speaker 2:We really do. It's
Speaker 1:Not for the taste necessarily does have a more bitter taste. I will say that than it does have a, a more bitter taste. The splits.
Speaker 2:Yeah. So there's a, a bite, there
Speaker 1:Is more of a bite there, but it's still definitely worth trying. We think there's different times to use it throughout the day. So, you know, in terms of a, like if I had to give it a scale rating, I would say like a three and a half, you know, I really like how portable it is. It's tiny. It's so cute.
Speaker 2:It's
Speaker 1:So cute. It's cute. Cute. And you know, I'm just, I'm into kin. I love it. I think it's definitely the most portable. Yeah. I don't know something about the tiny size. Just I love it. So yeah, I would say, you know, three and a half, maybe even like a 3.7, look at you at seven.
Speaker 2:That's so funny. I was gonna give them a three eight, so it's so came in 3.7. So I was gonna give them a three. I, I like Ken, I, I just like that. I can taste something and it's a pleasurable drinking experience for me. Like I'm tasting something, I've got the bubbles waking my mouth up and then the next thing I know I'm wired. If
Speaker 1:You don't like, I, I think that's definitely what makes it, you know, a good drinking experience and what makes can in general, a good drinking experience is that it mixes really well with other things. Yeah. Right. So like, I don't know if I really drank the kin spritz by itself. More than once I recall, you know, pouring it in with orange juice or even, you know, other Selzer or a cranberry or, you know, PO and granite juice or what have you, but not like a lot, just a, just a, just a touch, but it makes us really well with other other things. And you know, to be a hundred percent there. Do you always want coffee? I don't always want coffee.
Speaker 2:No, no. So, And for the record I drink all of my kids. I drank all my kin spirits because I was like, I, once I figured out it was like, I was like, oh shoot girl, this is, I have one of these. Yeah. This is like, perfect. And then I thought, what was funny between the two of us is like, I had to mix the recess with something cuz I have three. And after I drank the first one, which was the, yeah, the libraries I like, I'm not okay. This is not my thing. So I mixed it in with a, like a little bit of cranberry juice just to give it some taste. Cuz I don't like salt water. And then you, on the other hand with the Ken, you were like, you needed to mix the kid in and I drink the kinds all straight.
Speaker 1:That's crazy. That's
Speaker 2:So funny. I drink them all straight. They're like, I mean I give them and the only reason and to be fair, I probably could give them like a solid four
Speaker 1:Dang up with the, the rating goes
Speaker 2:Up. Well, I, well, I was just thinking, because to be in my own scale, my scale of things, right. It has of the ones we've tried so far for like daytime drink replacements. It has taste, it has efficacy and the efficacy being like you feel up I'm awake. Yeah. And I mean, we already talked about this a billion times, but their cans are so super cute. They're very portable. Yeah. Everything about it is very experiential. Like I feel like I'm having an experience. So I like prits, I don't think that any of the splits are gonna get any higher than that. Cuz they're just what they are. They're splits.
Speaker 1:Yeah. We both, we both rated them up. Like we started one place and went, you know, to another, a little higher up. So I think that that speaks to how, I mean, we, we, it resonated with the us. Right. So if you try it, let us know, let us know what you think we would love to get some other opinions on any of these drinks. Um,
Speaker 2:Absolutely. If you're drinking with us, let us know. Yeah.
Speaker 1:For season two, we wanna explore lots more drinks. We have, we have been seeing so many pop up and it seems like the regulations are changing all the time. So there's more drinks on the market entering the market. You know, we, we see them, you know, every time we look, which is often know, we're always
Speaker 2:Looking, you know what I'm looking forward to. And I can't like what I'm super, super looking forward to is walking into my grocery store and having kin and, and mad hasty and recess. Just like sitting on like give me a choice
Speaker 1:As an
Speaker 2:Option. Yeah. I want options. And I, and I'm really like, because we've been on this journey and now I'm like addicted to finding like the perfect drink alternative, whether it be a midday replacement or my nighttime cocktails, whatever it is. I'm, I'm so committed to like finding the right thing that I would love would love to just walk into a store and, and have the options be right in front of me. Because I think that'll be just a beautiful day.
Speaker 1:Honestly. I think that's gonna happen more with the CBD beverages or anything that has like a, he extract in it. I wonder how long it's gonna take before we get there with cannabis beverages there aren't up to on the market. But there are some there's one that there's the one can that's C a N N. That has a lot of backing right now.
Speaker 2:Yeah. That was the one we tried to and we
Speaker 1:Couldn't, we tried to
Speaker 5:Get it, tried to get it can, if you're
Speaker 2:Listening, send us, please. We really wanna try it.
Speaker 1:Um, but yeah, there's so many entering the market every day. Like what else is there? We, we wanna try it all. So if you come across them,
Speaker 2:Yes, you don't
Speaker 1:Be afraid to share with us what you feel.
Speaker 2:Absolutely share what you find. If you're tasting any of the ones that we're tasting, you know, let us know how you feel about it. What's your, what's your ranking on it? Do you think it's better? Worse? Of course like how off base are here and I, are we just completely horrible, but no, I think this has been so much fun because whereas we thought we would probably find like one or two to kind of go to things. I have, I, I have an actual like stock now. Right? It's like, I know what I'm drinking. As long as I'm in my home. I know what I, what I can, what I can drink for the evening. Right? Yeah. As opposed to like, oh man, I, I really, I guess it's this gonna be a tequila a night? It's like, no, it doesn't have to, to, it. Doesn't have to be, it doesn't have to be now. Yeah. And that's nice. I like it.
Speaker 1:It's really a whole new world opening up to us and I like it. I'm liking what we find. So if you find something don't be afraid to let us know and we'll drink with you next time.
Speaker 6:Thanks for listening to, we're not drinking tonight. We love to hear from y'all. What are you drinking or not drinking? Are you doing a dry January? Are you pregnant? Maybe on a health journey. Just not trying to be hangover. Tell us about it. If you like what you've heard, then please give us a five star rating. Write a review comment and subscribe to download the latest episodes. We're on IG at spirited sips. So if you try one of the beverages we've discussed today at us and let us know what you think. Thanks for listening. See you next time. Bye.