We're Not Drinking Tonight
We're Not Drinking Tonight
001-What does distilled vodka taste like? The Ladies try Seedlip.
Drink along with the ladies as they try Seedlip, The World's 1st Distilled Non-Alcoholic Spirit, for the first time. If you're thinking about not drinking, you've probably heard of Seedlip. Its stunning bottles and premium look make it stand out on any bar counter. It is arguably the most famous no alcohol spirit, having famously sold out its first 1000 bottles in three weeks and being one of the only beverages of its kind to be sold in high-end cocktail bars around the world. But how does it taste?
Listen as the ladies give their unfiltered opinions on Seedlip, from the ordering process to the first sip. Listen as they rate their drinking experience, and along the way they talk Four Loko (remember that?), functional beverages, drinking on the job, and more.
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I'm Ciara and I'm Shantel and we're not drinking tonight.<laugh>
Speaker 2:Welcome to, we are not drinking tonight. The podcast that asks, what do you drink when you're not drinking? This podcast is an Exco of what happens when two friends and former party girls try to find alternatives to alcohol while staying social, we wanna make it clear. We're not alcohol free. We do drink. We love to get back with a drink, a shot glass of wine. You name it, but sometimes life calls for you to sip socially without the spirits. And that's what we're here to talk about. Join us as we explore cannabis, low alcohol, no alcohol and functional beverages as alternatives. We're gonna get into the latest and we wanna take you along on the journey. Now let's start this show.
Speaker 1:So, Ooh, but we are drinking. Oh, we are drinking. We are drinking, but we're not drinking alcohol. And if you wanna know about why go back to episode one or episode zero, we haven't decided what we're gonna it yet. I like episode zero. I like episode zero too. So go back to back to episode episode, and you'll learn a little bit more about us, what we are trying to accomplish here and why we're not drinking drinking tonight.<laugh> so, so we're gonna start, we thought a lot about how we wanted to approach this podcast, thinking about like finding the, the best drink ever. Yeah. So our mission is to find out really what's out there in terms of alternative cocktails. So we all think of alcohol as the social loop lubricant, just so everyone knows we are both drinkers people<laugh> like to drink. We have different drinking styles. Absolutely. We both enjoy drinking. Um, so this is not a conversation about eliminating alcohol from your diet. Although if you're on that more power to you, cuz we gonna help you find the thing that you wanna find. Yeah. But really we're just looking for different ways to enjoy a social situation without alcohol. So the way we thought about doing it is just reviewing some of the drinks that we've tried, just giving our opinion and yeah. I mean, I think that's where we're gonna go. That's exactly where we're gonna go. I, I mean, he said, I best we're on a mission. We're trying to find something in between, you know, um, a wild drunken night and standing on the wall, drinking a Shirley temple or so we're we're we're we're gonna hear some orange juice. Yeah. We're we're not in the market to, you know, be the flower on the wall drinking or introduce in, in cranberry juice and maybe even a splash water. We're looking for something very adult mature, sophisticated palette, complex taste. But also like, I, I, I know for me, I am really looking for something that's gonna actually make me feel like relaxed. Like I'm, you know, a lot of the drinks that we're gonna be trying out either have some form of like natural elevation, whether it be, you know, neutropic or C B, D, or he extract depending on how they label a it, um, a lot of these drinks will have some type of added benefit. Um, again, because we're, we're not quite saying that you need to go away from experiencing something when you drink or just saying you should be more in control. Like we would like to be more in control. And, and that comes with, you know, doing a research and trying to find things that naturally organically come out of the earth make you feel better. Yep. So we're, we're trying to find the balance, right? Like a nighttime kombucha<laugh> yeah, yeah. It's like, yeah. Kombucha. OK. I like that. I like that a lot. Yeah. So we are big functional. I think we both realize we're both big functional Beverly drinkers. Like we drink huge coffee to drink up, wake up, we drink wine to wind down. Like we are all about the feeling. If the drink isn't actually functional, then I'd rather have water. And that is like my stance on like, if the drink isn't like, I don't know, making me healthier, better smart, faster. Glowier right.<laugh> and I don't want it. I just want water. Cause long gone are the days where you're just drinking protopia for no reason. Like<laugh> Dogtopia for me, its always going be. I just remember. I remember what is that like? How many ounces are in that darn thing? I think it was 16 ounces. It was like a red die. 40 16 ounces of red die. 40. It was good though. I, no one died, no one died. Didn't die. No one died. And it was much better than surge. Get me no shade to surge. But I think people, I think people had had medical issue. She was dealing with surge. Like there was a real, there were real scientific medical claims against surge. So all that, they brought it back. Think they tried to, I think they probably addressed the issues around it if they bought it back. But Lord only knows what chemical they put in there. I don't talk about, I know. And then it kind of just took me on another, like another, like really bad invention that people were really big on was like four locals. Oh my goodness. Oh my gosh. Yes. So again, it's like trying to find something that is like new and great without like having a bath salt epi, a four local story. I have a four local story to tell the story. So no one, no one told you what four Locos was. They just, everyone was like, try it. And it was so inconvenient store. So I'm like, how bad could it be? Could it be in it sold in a convenience store? So get the four logo me and my best friend. And I'm not gonna tell who it's. Um, and we split it. We didn't even, we didn't even drink the whole thing. We split it in half, took a train to times square. I forget what we were going to do. We were going to do something, but maybe dinner or bar or something like that. Oh it was a, a party, a bar meet up or whatever we get there. We're both still feeling kind of like, uh we're feeling. Okay. Yeah. And then all of a sudden, out of nowhere it was like smack D drunken, like a, just a mess. It was a mess. My friend forgot how to use restroom. Oh no. I mean not. So it was just like how to open the bathroom door<laugh> and so it was just, nobody warned you. It was a half, it was a half hour. So Y were out in the elements. We were just out under the, but it was the worst because it was 42nd street. Right by THEC by big McDonald's, you know? And it was busy, busy, busy anxiety inducing. It was horrible. And from that night we will always remember like we cuddled up together in front of the McDonald's sitting on New York bear concrete, trying to sober up. Oh my gosh. It was from how long did it take for lo it probably took us. I don't, I honestly don't remember. Or how long it took us to sober up. But when I tell you that, that story scarred me because we like there, we had no control mm-hmm<affirmative> we had absolutely no control. And we were in the middle of times where like, oh my gosh, it was insane. And so needless to say, I never touched another four Loko ever in my life. And then, you know, they rereleased it. And they said, it's a new formula, but I'm not the one that that's what<laugh> that I never tried it, but it was like, I right. I never, I didn't hear about it. And then right when I heard about it, it was at the bar I was working at at the time, some of the bartender were talking about it. And I know there was like, you know, people would get together and drink after work. And you know, sometimes that would be late. Like we got off really late back then, like three or four, I wasn't going to anybody's house at four to drink. I just, I wasn't gonna do that. But at least, you know, I mean, I wasn't doing of that all the time. I was drink. I would drink at work, like in the bar itself. Mm-hmm<affirmative> like after everything was shut down, but I wasn't going to another location. So one night<laugh> some people went to a different location. Mm-hmm<affirmative> and I know everybody that went to that location did not make it to work for the rest of the weekend. Like people got fired behind for locals. Yes. It was nothing to play with. I was like, I'm never drinking that. Whatever is, I don't want it. If anyone knows what is the proprietary lend of death in for lo<laugh> like, let us know. Not that we wanna recreate it. No, we don't wanna like outta we just curious, like for lo put in a four Loco. Cause I just like, again, no one said anything. They were just like, you gotta try it. And luckily we only did like half a can. I can't even imagine how horrible we would've. Well, from what I've heard, they more than half a can definitely at least one each and no one showed up to work the rest of the weekend. Wow. That's so horrible. This is so horrible. I did not work Sundays. And they called me at like 8:00 AM. Like, Hey Sierra, can you come work? I was like, no, this is not my problem. But I work literally another strong case of like my heart. It's like, you learn so many lessons over the years though. It's just like new yeah. Amazing memories. I mean, amazing is probably not the best word. Put memorable memories. Memories. Yeah. Just like, I mean, finding a new drink is always hard. Finding an alternative is a quest because mm-hmm<affirmative>, you know, you know what you know, like I know a double, a double Tito's soda. Like I know what that's gonna be. Yeah. I know. I, I know what that is, but now if you offer me something else that well there's apprehension around. Yeah. It's like, I don't know what's gonna happen here. Like, is that the equivalent of a doublet soda? Is that like going to make me more drunk, less drunk, not drunk at all. There's just, I mean, but that's why I'm like super interested about this journey that we're going on. Yep. To try things out in our, in the safety of our home. Right? Uh, no four lo stories. Hopeful fingers from this<laugh> maybe while we're here, we should try. Oh my<laugh>. Well, we won't record. We not record. Oh, maybe we'll. Well, we could not say we're not drinking tonight and then have a, we will say we are drinking tonight and then they will know. Oh, well, all right. Yes. We'll decide that later, but okay. First step. Yes. Tonight, what are we drinking? We are drinking seed lip. It is a distilled non-alcoholic spirit. And it is, we are trying the flavor grow 42 citrus. Yes. So how did first impressions? Yeah. Like why did, did we, how did you choose Seedlip? Well, when we first started looking at alternative spirits, Seedlip is probably the first thing that pops up when you Google this, it seems to be absolutely everywhere. I was really surprised and impressed by their story. Of course, you know, it's, I'm sure it's the, the rosy version of the story, but basically they originated in the UK in Selfridges Selfridges. I'm sorry. I think I said that it wrong<laugh> and they launched with a thousand bottles, like a limited launch and sold out in, in three weeks. So to us, this seemed like a natural place to get started because if you're in the low or no alcohol movement, as it's called, this is something that's gonna pop up a lot. So we ordered it. Um, I ordered this from Amazon. I think you can get this on Amazon. And it came in the most complicated<laugh> it was global wrap situation. Why did they do that to us? We don't know. It took me 15 minutes to open this bubble wrap. Like I didn't have a knife on me at the time. The picture you sent me, it just looked like it looked like it wast a cat home. It was a Sagus they literally bubble wrap this thing to death. Yeah. It was pretty tough. It was pretty bad. And it didn't have anything else. And it like, I guess they were trying to keep it from, from breaking, breaking. But, but I feel like in this, my goodness in the Lord's year of 2021,<laugh> there has to be a better way to package that thing and, and send it out. So, um, yeah, I think we, I mean, it's a very popular drink. It's getting a lot of traction as a non-alcoholic alternative fun fact. We probably should talk about this at some point, but Vogue just did an article on non-alcoholic CBD drinks. Oh yes. They did not talked about that. We, I know we will talk about it, but it just tells you like, I mean, everyone is looking for alternatives and I know that y'all, can't see the bottle for seed lip, but the outside of the, the extreme bubble wrap and very tacky delivery, it's a very, it's beautiful classic. It looks, it looks like, um, this looks like a subtle sexy it's like, it's like city sexy, the woman who wears like the black, but gives a little hint of the leg. Yeah. Little like classic she's got money.<laugh> it's definitely a sophisticated looking bottle. I don't think right off the bat, you know? Yeah. That it is non-alcoholic unless you're really reading mm-hmm<affirmative> the color palette is very pleasing. It's like a pretty rose gold cap. And then the label is like a recycled paper almost. It feels very nice. And the, the name seed lip is actually raised on the label. So it's really, it's very clean, attractive, very clean, clean. It has a very creative design. This looks like a squirrel, but he's like made of ginger<laugh> it's a squirrel made of ginger. So I, it's very interesting and very are pretty to look at. I, I wouldn't say that you immediately think of it. Like if I walked into someone's house, I don't know that I'd immediately know what that was. And if I saw it sitting on a bar, I don't, I wouldn't know that that was like an, like a non-alcoholic alternative or anything like that. I don't know. So I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I don't know if I saw a bartender that into my cup, would I be like, oh, what is that? Cause it doesn't, it doesn't scream. Non-alcoholic mm-hmm but it also doesn't necessarily look like a, you know, a bottle of vodka. I would actually assume this was vodka. It's funny. You said it doesn't look like vodka, but I, I would actually assume this was vodka. The last last thing I would think is that it was not alcoholic. I don't know if that's their intention or not, but it's very clean. I, I keep saying it it's very clean. It's very nice cohesive packaging. I think it goes with like their social branding too. Yeah. Which is also, I think upscale but relaxed. So it's the city chic lady going on a picnic, very focused on natural, which I think is really good. Um, as we said, you know, we are looking for natural alternatives and they do boast a lot of natural ingredients, their process. They talk about their, their natural distilling process. So, I mean, overall, I would say on first impressions, minus the extreme bubble wrap it. It's, I'm excited. I think it's, it's nice. I mean, price point wise, we don't even need to dive into cuz I'm sure it's gonna be different for different places, but on a scale of like, you know, three being the most expensive and four Loco being number one<laugh> yeah. I say this is, this is closer to the higher end of a price for a bottle. Yeah. I mean, especially for a non-alcoholic it's pretty pricey, but you know, I say worth, uh, it invites your curiosity, you know, it's worth trying, if you are curious, like if you're, if you think this is something you might wanna try. Yeah. So first and pre on, on taste, are we still talking about package? Oh no. We can't talk about anything package, whatever you like. So I think we've said this before Sierra definitely has a very refined palette. I think. So I think Sierra has a refined palette and I would think of myself as more, you know, I drink for the effect and not necessarily the taste. And so this is me going on a taste journey and learning like, what does my tongue appreciate? Like what different tastes and things tensely the tongue and, and really provide an experience. So like the aroma Sierra just had me smell it. It does. Does. It's very aromatic. It is. And so this one, what is this? Gro 42 gro 42. Yeah. And it's citrus it's yeah, let's see. Hold on. It actually has the, so their description is a sophisticated, warm citrus blend using three varieties of mandatory orange lemon peel, ginger and lemon grass distillates with the cool prickle of Japanese sand show, pepper, corn.<laugh> it's just, okay. That's I mean, it's so dainty, you know, and, and important to anyone who really enjoys reading out. And it labels that to me, it's just like, so dainty, I mean, is it really, is it really the orange there or is it really like halos some cut and a big, random organic little orange. So we old orange it's me all the oranges that are side by, so, and we're gonna put them, there are three types of oranges. Well, I mean, again, all natural ingredients, which the whole purpose of these drinks is to give you a complex experience. Like it's not meant to be like, oh, I'm, I'm replacing alcohol with water. No. And, and it will probably reference that a lot, but it's really like want an, an adult drink you like on a day after work. Like, I mean, today, normally this would be like a, a for sure wine night for me, but like, if I'm gonna replace wine, I don't want water. So you want a complex drink, you want something that's gonna make you feel like you're having an adult beverage. And I think the, the sense that getting like the smells that add to it. Mm-hmm<affirmative> yeah. I just, uh, I wanna talk about the taste. Yeah. I mean, so it, the directions are to serve it over ice with Indian tonic or soda and garnish with an orange twist. So what are your, we did, I don't know. Did we do the, or we did, we garnished with you did the fancy lemon peel. I did over peel. Yeah. And I, I drink mines without anything else. I just drink it straight. Cuz I wanted to like taste it. I just wanted to understand like, what is it? Because honestly, like it just looks like a clear liquid and it's not vodka. So my brain is like, it's not water. It's not vodka. It's not vodka. It's not Selzer either. Cuz it's not bubbly. So what's happening there. So I will say my first, my first taste, it's just it's it's not good. And, and when I say it's not good I'm I just mean that like the, the taste isn't quite strong enough to really be complex in my mind, just, it really tastes like a, a flavored water that just didn't make it like it was<laugh> it was like on the track to becoming like a really nice flavored water. It gives me spa vibes. I think I said that spa. It definitely very spa vibes because it's like, you smell it. And that is a, that is a nice experience. It smells it's really good. It smells great. But I don't know if it delivers on the smell. It's like the aroma promises something that I don't know if the taste is it's like a beautiful lead up, so great packaging.<affirmative> amazing packaging, a smell. I mean, I was really, I was excited for, I don't know, something more robust and then you taste it and it's like a, a water that fell flat. It almost tastes like water that has been like maybe lemon water and maybe something else that the ice melted in it. And it's, it's kind of flat after drinking. That's what it reminds me of. It's pretty. I mean, I don't dislike it though. That's the funny thing is that I think it's pretty right. It is complex. Like it's not vodka. Okay. Like that much is it's, it's definitely not a vodka. It is not vodka vodka, apparently distillation process. That's where they literally just like, they create it with alcohol and then they distill whatever alcohol is in it out. So it tastes like vodka without alcohol, which, mm. I mean, I guess that's what it is. You know what? It tastes like. I just, I cuz I, I was like, why does this feel? So from familiar, it taste like the end of a cocktail when that ice is melted and there's no alcohol left, but all, all that's left is like the mixer or whatever. Mm-hmm,<affirmative> strong essences behind. That's exactly what I, I feeling that's happening right now. Just like after you drink a drink. Yeah. It's like after the drink is done, the random stuff, that's at the bottom of the glass that you're like hinting to your friend, like more please more please. But you know what, if you are a, if you have decided to abstain from alcohol, for whatever reason, mm-hmm<affirmative> that might make you feel like yeah, more comfortable day. I remember this nostalgia and I mean, honestly, you're not drinking this in place of this is like, like you said, like if this were a wine night, you a normal wine night, but maybe tomorrow you have a big day at work. You don't really necessarily wanna drink wine. You know, this is something to sit back and kick back and relax with. I mean, I don't feel anything we thought this had, so we thought this had neutropics in it. It's very mislead it. You cannot tell yes. Search it. It, it says Nat. It says neutropics for C, B, D, and it's not in here. So it's nowhere on the bottle on the, it's not the bottle, which is not. And so not to pick on them because actually a lot of companies are taking this approach where they're not actually putting neutropics C, B, D, or anything of the, that nature on, on the packaging or on the ingredients list for that matter. And I think it's, it can be a little bit misleading for someone. Not that this cuz this definitely whatever's in here is not significant cuz there's no, uh, effect mm-hmm<affirmative> not a relaxation. Yeah. There's no relax, no relaxation effect. I don't feel my favorite. Like Zen the F out, like I'm not, I'm not in a Zen place right now. I'm actually more like how much of this do I need to try to drink? Like feel something? What, how much of this do I need to drink? But I think beyond just thinking about like the end of the cocktail mm-hmm<affirmative> the flavor, the flavor's so light that I know they actually advertise that it's like a good mixer, like a good drink to be mixed. I don't know what you can mix this with that. It would be able to hold its own. I feel like I don't think everything that you put on top of this would absolutely squash the taste like it would, you wouldn't even know like if, even if you put a drop of cranberry juice in this, I, if you put any juice in it, it's going to completely overtake the taste of this spiral order. What I do think<laugh> what I do think it can use. Is it what it recommends? Which is tonic or soda. Yeah. You know, I tried it with soda thought at first I was like, well it feels like I'm just drinking water, like flavored slightly water<laugh>. But as I, I had a little bit more and I actually, it kind of grew on me during that process. Like, so I mean, it's definitely not something I would reach for on a regular basis. Yeah. But if I'm chilling and I want to appear, like, I mean, it's definitely not something you drink fast. At least I didn't drink it fast. I felt like, you know, I can drink it slowly because it tastes like spa water and it looks like a drink. So I don't know. And the only reason I didn't drink it fast is cuz I don't enjoy it.<laugh> otherwise I'm sure you, you can just use this to hydrate. Like during the day probably put that into like a water bottle of expensive water, you know what but that's that is the vibe though. It like gives me, this gives me this the$10 bottle of water. Yeah. At the bar kind of vibe. Like it is very much an elevated experience, but it's still water. Just still water. It's still water. So yeah, no. I mean, and maybe, maybe the seed lip team could tell us, you know, how, how to get the best out of this particular drink. Right. I just feel like it would take so many additional ingredients. My question would be then what is the purpose of seed lip? Like if I've gotta put, if I've gotta add an six ingredients to really drive to really open it up. Yeah. The taste and I don't like cooking. So I'm definitely not gonna become a mixologist as I try to explore new drinks. I want it to be tasty effective and simple. Yeah. Yeah. And that's what would want, I mean, I don't know if this is making the mark of, you know, creating something that a person who doesn't drink, but wants a cocktail, like experience would enjoy. I mean really knowing what this is. If I wanted a cocktail, I would just say like get a cocktail with alcohol rather than, than this. If this is something like, if this is something that you really just want to feel like you're drinking, but you don't really have a taste for alcohol for whatever your reasons I would say this is fine. Mm-hmm<affirmative> but if you wanna drink, like this is not a drink replacement. No, this is not a drink replacement. I think this is actually just, um, I don't know what you call it cuz it's not an alternative. It's not a replacement. It's not a mixer. I don't know. Even know if it's, I just, I think this is one of those things, you know how you, when you go to people's house and they offer you something. So like you go to someone's house, they're having like, they they've arranged an event or whatever. If someone brought these out and in like a can or something like that, I, I drink it. Yeah. But would I go out and go purchase it on my own? Probably not. Probably not. So okay. Rate it on a scale of one to five, one being, you know, just, and then two. No, not two. I'm not gonna do it, but number but five being like, yes, I'm having this said everything I ever go through from now. Yes, we are drinking this tonight. This is what we are drinking tonight. Bring it. I'm probably giving this a one. Ooh, dang a one. Because again, I'm not a big SEL water drinker. I'm not a flavored water drinker. I told you I'm either water or gimme a functional a beverage. I don't, there's no function coming out of this drink. I do not particularly care for the taste. Yeah. And it just gives me like a water vibe, which is fine, which is fine. However, for me Chantel<laugh><laugh> I, you know, I'm like pretty spirits in recovery. Like I that's a little too far for me. That is a little too far for me. I, I need a little bit more than, than this. What Seedlip is providing that's all. Yeah. And new thoughts. I would say it's like a two. I mean, I gave you a hard time for the one comment, but<laugh>, I would say it's like a two, it's not something I would reach for, you know, every single day or anything like that. This is definitely not when this bottle is finished. I probably don't see myself reordering or curious enough to try the other there's there's other flavors. There's other flavors no's crony. No, bro. Like the, but you know, that's actually really sad cocktail. They have such an extensive line and like, I'm not like I'm not interested in that's most popular one. Like I think this is the one that everybody oh, wow. Knows about. Like, I think rule 42 is the thing, the one it's the, it's the one I think it's the one does that make us, are we just not it's target? I don't know. Might like, I don't know. I think, I think, I think we're just not, I mean, we're not, I don't know. I know it's all good. I, to say there are so many other drinks and then that's what I'm excited about. There are so many other drinks out there and I am, I think we're both like super open to just trying and finding something. That's cool. Maybe our expectations were too high going into this, but we have lots more to try.<laugh> so many other, we just wanted to be in the know, cuz this is so popular and it's like, it's it's growing. I mean, so we need to find out, not that we're gonna give you all the historical breakdown, but go look it up if to it has like, you know, really rich roots, if you wanna call it mm-hmm<affirmative> like, you know, it's got some good backing behind it. Beautiful socials. I mean, it's definitely an experience. I don't know that I would pay for it.<laugh> but if they had a Papa, I'd go, I would go to it. I'd go to it. I would go to the, because they can curate and experience because they're curating experience with the bottle, the smell, the look of it, everything except for the bubble wrap. Yeah. It's actually done really well. So I mean, if we were to go down and like really break apart, this one taste is weighted really heavily and that's what brought them down because the packaging itself is really it's it's it's it smells amazing. It carries an experience. It's just the taste for me. Just it's the taste for it's the taste for me and the lack of function. Yeah. It doesn't do what I thought it would do, which well it's just like give you like a sense of calm. I, it was gonna do that. Yeah. And that is another reason why people drink alcohol is to kind of relax mm-hmm<affirmative> socially. So I don't feel more relaxed and I don't feel like the flavor is adding up to what I thought it would. So mm-hmm<affirmative>, you know, for me, I did actually, you know, the more I drink it, I did kind of like it more mm-hmm<affirmative> so I give it, you know, a two, I don't hate it as much as Chantel does. And you know, I actually really like club soda. Like I, it on my own just for, for entertainment of myself. So, you know, uh, because of that, I would say it's it's okay. If you wanna try it, try it. You don't, I don't know what if you're missing it so we will no, I just, again, yeah. Keep listening. We'll take you on some more journeys. I I think overall we're just saying, see, look, wasn't it. We don't think we've we found this isn't the answer. This is not it. So, I mean, I guess we, we were weren't drinking tonight. Then we did drink tonight, but a seed lip we're done. We're not drinking. We're done drinking.
Speaker 3:Thanks for listening to we're not drinking tonight. We love to hear from y'all. What are you drinking or not drinking? Are you doing a dry January? Are you pregnant? Maybe on a health journey. Just not trying to be hangover. Tell us about it. If you like what you've heard, then please give us a five star rating, write a review comment and subscribe to download the latest episodes. We're on IG at spirited sips. So if you try one of the beverages we've discussed today at us and let us know what you think. Thanks for listening. See you next time. Bye.
Speaker 4:I.